
New energy battery storage cycle life

With the development of technology, nowadays more and more people would like to purchase the products with new energy. As we can see, there are many different kinds of new energy vehicles on the roads. But imagine that if you have a new energy vehicle, will you feel anxious on the way when the battery is nearly using up? So it is very important for us to come across how long the battery will last. Lots of factors affect the life of battery cycle, before we discuss it, lets get to know what the battery cycle life is.

What is the battery cycle life?

Battery cycle life is a process of fully discharging to fully recharging. A battery cycle life is usually range from 18 months to 3 years. Batteries do not go out due to sudden discharge, nor do they run out of life when they reach their maximum cycle time. It will only age faster and lose its charging capacity, with the end result being that it will have to be recharged more often.

The factors affect the battery cycle life


Temperature affects battery performance and life. When the temperature is higher, the battery discharges faster. Many people often charge their batteries at high temperatures, and this usually doesn't affect the battery much, but over a long period of time it can affect the life of the battery. So if you want to prolong the life of the battery use, try to avoid charging at high temperatures for a long time.


Time is also one of the factors that affects the life of the battery, and over time the battery will age faster until it is damaged. Some experts believe that the internal structures that affect the aging of batteries are internal resistance, electrolyte and so on. Most importantly, batteries will discharge even when it is not in use.

Now in the new energy market, the lithium-ion battery and lead-acid battery are more popular to be used in our daily life. Speaking of the battery cycle life, lets compare with this two kinds of batteries.

Lithium-ion battery vs Lead acid battery

The lithium-ion battery has a very short charging time, which facilitates prolonged use and is extremely easy to use. Lithium-ion batteries have no memory effect and are partially charged. So it will be safer to use and favorable to prolong the battery life. The use cycle of a lithium-ion battery is about 8 hours of use, charging 1 hour, so it saves a lot of time in charging. This greatly improves the efficiency of people's work and life.

Lead-acid batteries generate a lot of heat when charging and take time to cool down after charging. And the lead-acid batteries have a life cycle of 8 hours of use, 8 hours of charging, and 8 hours of resting or cooling. So they can only be used about once a day. Lead-acid batteries also need to be stored in a ventilated area in order to avoid dangerous gases enter during charging or cooling. In summary, lead-acid batteries are less efficient to use than lithium-ion batteries.